There are several online resources available to employees dealing with stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues at work. These resources offer support ranging from self-help tools and educational materials to professional counseling and therapy services.
1. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
Description: Many companies offer EAPs that provide free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services for employees facing personal or work-related problems.
Access: Typically provided through your employer. Ask your HR contact for details.
2. Headspace for Work
Description: Headspace offers meditation and mindfulness programs tailored for the workplace. These programs can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote better mental well-being.
Access: Often provided by employers as part of their wellness programs, but individuals can also subscribe.
3. BetterHelp
Description: BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that connects users with licensed therapists via video, phone, or messaging. It’s convenient for those who prefer virtual sessions.
Access: Available directly through subscription. Some employers may o;er it as part of their benefits.
4. Calm for Business
Description: Calm provides a variety of mental wellness resources, including guided meditations, sleep stories, and relaxation techniques. Calm for Business is specifically designed to support employee well-being.
Access: Employers may o;er this as part of their wellness programs, or individuals can subscribe.
5. Talkspace
Description: Talkspace is another online therapy platform that allows users to connect with licensed therapists via text, audio, and video messaging. It's designed for those seeking therapy on a flexible schedule.
Access: Available by subscription, with some employers o;ering it as part of their benefits package.
6. Mindful Employer
Description: Mindful Employer offers resources for employees and managers to support mental health in the workplace. They provide tools, guides, and training to create a supportive work environment.
Access: Available online for free or with a subscription.
7. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Description: NIMH provides a wealth of information on mental health disorders, treatment options, and research. It’s a reliable source for learning more about mental health issues and finding support.
Access: Free, online at
8. Mental Health America (MHA)
Description: MHA o;ers online screenings for mental health conditions, as well as educational resources, self-help tools, and information on finding help.
Access: Free, online at
9. Crisis Text Line
Description: A free, confidential text-based service that connects individuals in crisis with trained crisis counselors.
Access: Text HOME to 741741 (U.S.).
10. Mental Health First Aid
Description: Offers training programs to help employees learn how to recognize the signs of mental health issues and provide initial support until professional help is available.
Access: Online courses available at
11. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Description: This resource provides tools and information to help create mentally healthy workplaces. It includes strategies for managing stress and promoting well-being.
Access: Available online at
12. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Description: NAMI provides education, advocacy, and support for individuals affected by mental illness. Their website offers resources for managing mental health at work and other settings.
Access: Free, online at
13. MindTools
Description: O;ers practical resources and tools to help employees manage stress, time, and other challenges at work.
Access: Available online at
14. Positive Intelligence
Description: The PQ Program helps you build new mental muscles that intercept negative thoughts and activate your positive reflexes. By shifting the balance of power in your mind, you'll experience an increase in energy, focus, and peace of mind.
Access: Subscription for App,
Employers also have access to a variety of online resources to help them support the mental health and well-being of their employees. These resources range from tools for creating supportive work environments to training programs and guidelines for implementing mental health policies.
1. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
Description: Employers can offer EAPs that provide employees with access to counseling, mental health resources, and referrals. These programs are designed to address a wide range of issues, including stress, substance abuse, and work-life balance.
Access: Provided by EAP vendors. Employers can partner with EAP providers to offer this service.
2. Mental Health First Aid at Work
Description: This program teaches employers and employees how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health issues in the workplace. It provides tools to support mental health and create a supportive environment.
Access: Available through Mental Health First Aid.
3. Mind Share Partners
Description: Mind Share Partners offers training, coaching, and resources for employers to create mentally healthy workplaces. They provide customized solutions for organizations to address mental health issues and reduce stigma.
Access: Services can be accessed via
4. Wellbeing Index
Description: Developed by the Mayo Clinic, this tool helps organizations assess and track the well-being of their employees. It can identify areas of concern and provide data-driven insights to improve workplace mental health.
Access: Available through a subscription at
5. National Business Group on Health (NBGH)
Description: NBGH o;ers employers resources, webinars, and best practices for supporting mental health in the workplace. They provide guidance on implementing comprehensive health and wellness programs.
Access: Resources available through membership at
6. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Description: This resource provides employers with tools and strategies to promote mental health in the workplace. It includes resources for policy development, training, and crisis management.
Access: Free, online at
7. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Mental Health Resources
Description: OSHA provides guidelines and resources for employers to address workplace stress and mental health. This includes strategies for reducing work-related stress and creating a supportive work environment.
Access: Free, online at
8. Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)
Description: MHCC offers resources and tools for employers to develop mental health strategies, policies, and training programs. Their resources are designed to help create mentally healthy workplaces.
Access: Available online at
9. Civic Action - MindsMatter
Description: MindsMatter is an online toolkit that helps employers assess and improve their workplace mental health practices. It o;ers practical steps for building a supportive environment and reducing stigma.
Access: Free, available at
10. Thrive Global
Description: Thrive Global provides companies with resources and training focused on reducing workplace stress and burnout. They o;er tools to help employers create a culture of well-being.
Access: Available through a partnership with Thrive Global at
11. SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)
Description: SHRM offers resources, articles, and guidelines for HR professionals to support mental health in the workplace. This includes best practices for implementing mental health policies and programs.
Access: Available through membership at
12. American Psychological Association (APA) - Center for Organizational Excellence
Description: The APA’s Center for Organizational Excellence o;ers resources and tools to help employers create a mentally healthy workplace. They provide evidence-based strategies for reducing stress and promoting well-being.
Access: Available online at
13. Gallup Wellbeing
Description: Gallup offers resources, assessments, and tools to help employers measure and improve employee well-being. Their programs focus on creating a culture that promotes mental health.
Access: Available through Gallup at
These resources can help employers create a supportive work environment that prioritizes mental health, reduces stigma, and provides employees with the tools they need to thrive. Implementing these resources can lead to a more engaged, productive, and healthy workforce.